Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Online Assignment
Topic: Ways for stimulating and maintaining interest in learning Mathematics

                                                                        PRAVENA P M


To arouse and maintain the student’s interest in mathematics is a major problem for the teacher. The teacher knows very well that loss of interest is the major cause of the student failure. If the student has to be thought properly, the natural curiosity should be awakened among the student. This awakening of the curiosity would create interest in them and would develop their attention towards the subject. This can be safely done for the elementary classes by introducing play method. Later on, according to psycho- physical  requirements, other methods such as cross-word or quiz etc. May be resorted to. If by allowing them to resort to these methods, an attempt is made to explain to them the methods also, the teaching would be interesting and useful.
                                       The teaching can be made interesting and useful by correlating the present problem with interesting things already studied by the students.  The elements of novelty, usefulness and curiosity are the first thing to awaken the interest. The teacher should always try to keep interest alive by making the teaching practical and useful for day to day life. Interest in the subject can be effectively aroused and maintained by numerous special devises and activities. Some of these are given below.


Intellectual Activity
                   It is possible to arouse the students interest by stimulating curiosity. The work in mathematics should challenge the intellect of  students. This stimulate their curiosity and mental powers help in awakening their interest. The intellectual activity is governed by thirst of knowledge, love of truth and beauty and desire to interpret and control environment. The interest will be maintained if it remain challenging to their  mental power. This means that we should not present Mathematical facts to pupils in the readymade form as this will encourage only cramming.  We should maintain heuristic attitude in our teaching. Curiosity is the power full urge which stimulate effort to understand and learn certain things.
Emphasising Practical Application
                         One is always anxious for a thing which one considers more and more valuable. Generally students interest is aroused by pointing out the application of  Mathematics to some other field with which he is already familiar. He comes to know that Mathematics is an important subject worth learning. When he realise the unity of the subject his interest is aroused and maintained in mathematics.
Correlation with other subject
                                Mathematics is related to so many subject and the teacher should make full use of this correlation to arouse students interest in Mathematics. It is thus desirable to take up relevant problems of  Mathematics  from other subjects while teaching Mathematics.

Recreational Activities and Mathematics club
                                                 Mathematics club has a great role in developing interest in Mathematics among students. Recreational activities such as puzzles, riddles etc. Make the subject lively and interesting active Mathematics club is one of the sure signs of students interest.
Practical Work
                                   Practical presentation of matter should precede its abstract form small children cannot understand and appreciate much at abstract level. The children like to observe and handle various objects. They may be asked to verify Mathematical truths by making experiments.
               A topic should be continued for too long a period, otherwise monotony is would set in and students interest will be lost. Similarly in the same method aid will lead to loss of interest. Thus the teacher should try to bring some novelty or variety in his day to day teaching.
Good Teaching
                      For good teaching a teacher should prepare his lesson plan and use correct method of teaching. A good teaching is sure to keep student interest in the subject, Mathematics.
Use of Teaching Aids
                      The teaching can also made interest by proper use of teaching aids. The teaching aids provide a departure from routine teaching and help in making understand even difficult ideas. Preparation of aids and application can be a regular activity of the learner.
Suitable Physical Conditions
                      Physical discomforts should be eliminated. Distraction should be avoided. Psychological conditions for study should be observed. There should no over crowed in the class. Rooms should be well ventilated and black board should be well painted.

Individual Attention
                      The teacher should pay individual attention to various categories of students. All are not interested in the same things. Some can be motivated by the challenging situations, some by practical work and so on. In the usual class teaching, some of the pupil may not understand certain steps, which is indicated by their blank note book, such student begin to lose interest. The teachers should make sure that all understand what he teaches.
                      A reference to historical back ground of different Mathematical terms and ideas give good start for learning them. The teacher should strive to make the subject matter attracted and pleasant.
                      The aim of teaching mathematics for fun and pastime should receive some attention. Organisation of a Mathematical workshop can provide a combination of recreation, activity and learning.
                      The teacher can think of many other ways and  means to arouse and maintain interest of his students in his teaching. He should himself be interested in teaching. Only then he will take pains to make his work interesting to the students. He should also try to understand his students, their general level of achievement, interests and developmental stage, this will help him in selecting and adopting better motivational procedures. These techniques will stimulate and maintains interest in the subject and which lead to development of proper attitude towards the subject.

  •           Teaching of Mathematics- Sundhir Kumar & D N Ratnalikar
  •     Teaching of Mathematics- Dr Annice James

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